Episode 3: Electric Motorcycles and the Future of Sustainable Transportation
Explore the impact of electric motorcycles on transportation technology, environmental sustainability, and energy resources. Through an interview with Scott Colosimo, founder of LAND, students will learn about advancements in electric vehicle (EV) technology, battery innovations, and their role in reducing fossil fuel reliance. The episode connects these topics to the standards of examining transportation technology, […]
Episode 4: Forces in Motion: E-Bikes
In this lesson, students will explore the foundational principles of forces and motion through real-world applications and a focus on innovative technology—electric bikes. They will analyze gravitational, electric, and magnetic forces, learn about friction and drag, and understand balanced and unbalanced forces. By incorporating insights from Paul Perkins, CEO of Orion Electronics Company, students will […]
Episode 5: Wind Energy Solutions for Urban Environments
This lesson explores innovative wind energy technologies for urban environments, highlighting how rooftop wind turbines can complement solar energy. Students will assess the effectiveness, risks, and efficiency of renewable resources, evaluate environmental impacts, and investigate conservation and management strategies. The lesson fosters critical thinking, problem-solving, and data analysis skills through real-world examples, modeling, and classroom […]
Episode 2: Understanding the Engineering of Electric Skateboards
Electric skateboards are revolutionizing the way we move through cities. We’ll explore how these boards are engineered for performance, efficiency, and urban transport. Andrew and Mo, founders of 2Swift Boards discuss how physics and design come together to create an exciting, sustainable ride. In the video below, we’ll delve into how these innovations work […]
Episode 1: Electric Vehicles & Renewable Energy
This lesson introduces students to electric vehicles (EVs) and renewable energy, focusing on energy transformation and environmental impact. Students learn how EVs convert electrical energy into kinetic energy, reducing carbon emissions and air pollution compared to gasoline-powered vehicles. In this video, we’ll delve into how these innovations work and their significant impact on reducing […]