BRITE Energy Innovators

Local former Army soldier works remotely to help rescue Kabul refugees

Since the Taliban overran the Afghan city of Kabul, it’s been a struggle to get refugees out.
One former Army soldier worked with a number of groups that helped get 150 people out, all while working remotely in his home in Ellsworth Township.

Rick Stockburger was deployed by the U.S. Army to serve in Afghanistan from 2009 until 2010. He served as a combat advisor to the Afghan Army and alongside the Hungarian Army.

Since he left, he’s kept in close contact with many Afghan interpreters who worked alongside him.

Rick Stockburger was deployed by the U.S. Army to serve in Afghanistan from 2009 until 2010. He served as a combat advisor to the Afghan Army and alongside the Hungarian Army.

“There’s many times that we were in direct combat alongside of our interpreter and I can very much say that I don’t know if I would be alive if it wasn’t for them communicating,” Stockburger said.

Read the full WKBN article about our CEO and Founder Rick Stockburger here.

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