SHARE Mobility and the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority (GCRTA) have partnered together to launch the ConnectWorks program for the Aerozone Alliance Region.
The ConnectWorks program is designed to bridge the gap between bus stops and workplaces for the modern commuteer. SHARE Mobility will offer rides from GCRTA’s Brookpark station directly to job locations within the Aerozone Alliance Region.
“The ConnectWorks program, operated by SHARE Mobility, is a transit access strategy designed to eliminate the challenges of the first-mile last-mile dilemma,” said GCRTA General Manager and CEO India L. Birdsong Terry. “We are excited to team-up again with SHARE Mobility in expanding the program to connect people to workforce and economic development opportunities in the Aerozone Alliance region.”
Key details of ConnectWorks
- Service availability: Rides can be booked on-demand from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday to Friday (rides are available anytime GCRTA service operates when scheduling 12 hours in advance)
- Company participation: Companies can sign up to provide rides as an employee benefit for as low as $3 per month per employee.
- Booking: Commuters can book their rides via the GCRTA ConnectWorks web-app.
- Routes and service area: The service will be available in the Aerozone district surrounding the Cleveland airport.
- Payment: Rides cost $2.50 per trip and are charged via credit card to riders. For participating companies, they are invoiced at the end of each month for rides taken
- After hours emergency rides home with Uber: Uber is providing $10,000 of ride credits to provide transportation to support unexpected transportation issues.
“At the Aerozone, we are striving to eliminate any barrier that prevents our local businesses from growing and thriving. Given that access to the workforce continues to be one of these critical business growth challenges, we are very enthusiastic to implement the ConnectWorks solution to help enhance the public transit option for our local workers,” said Hrishue Mahala, executive director, Aerozone Alliance.
“I am excited to work with SHARE Mobility and The Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority on transportation solutions that will allow Brook Park to remain a premier community for businesses of all sizes and industries,” said Brook Park’s Commissioner of Economic Development Paul Marnecheck.