BRITE Energy Innovators

Electric bike rental company proposes two new Downtown Youngstown charging stations

YoGo Bikeshare

The City of Youngstown’s Design and Review Committee is being asked to approve plans to add two more electric bicycle charging, renting, and return stations

The City of Youngstown’s Design and Review Committee is being asked to approve plans to add two more electric bicycle charging, renting, and return stations Downtown.

YoGo Bike Share and Olsavsky Jaminet Architects are proposing new stations on West Commerce Street at the Erie Terminal and on Emily Street at the Youngstown Foundation Amphitheater.

The committee is expected to hear a presentation on the plans during its regular meeting on Tuesday, November 7.

The new stations would be in addition to two existing stations on West Federal Street and Fifth Avenue, as well as at East Boardman Street near the Youngstown Flea.

The bike-share service allows customers to download the company’s app and buy access to an electric bike to use around the city. When done with the bike, they are returned to a charging station.


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